Nonn’s in the News

Star of Madison Awards 2016

Nonn’s Sweeps 2016 Star of Madison Awards

August 2016, Madison, WI
Wisconsin-based interior design and home furnishings retailer, Nonn’s, has won “Star of Madison” in all four categories in which they were eligible: Home Improvement, Granite Retailer, Flooring Retailer and Appliance Retailer.
Nonn's Parade of Homes Article 2016

Creating the Perfect Home

Wisconsin State Journal, June 2016, Madison WI
Building a new home or remodeling an existing home is one of the most rewarding ventures you can undertake. During a process that can take months, or even years, it is essential to have a cohesive vision. If that sounds daunting, it doesn’t have to be.
25 Future Leaders Under 40

25 Future Leaders Under 40

Floor Trends Magazine, Nov. 2014
After a nationwide search for the best and brightest of the flooring industry, Nonn's CEO/President Adam Nonn was selected as one of 25 Future Leaders Under 40.

Operation Finally Home

Operation Finally Home, June 2016, Wisconsin
After a successful first collaboration with Operation Finally Home in 2015, Nonn’s renewed their commitment to the program this summer and handed over the keys to a home in Jackson, Wisconsin on June 4. Now, they plan to donate flooring, cabinetry, countertops and appliances, as needed, for a third project due to be completed next summer in a redevelopment district called Dunbar Oaks in the City of Waukesha.